Dragon Stack

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I usually prefer my subjects alive and kicking but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a close up stack of this expired dragonfly I found in a spiders web in our gazebo eves.
I must say I was struck with how vicious its needle like hairs around it's mouth look, also imagining how terrifying the species in the Late Carboniferous period looked when they grew to over two feet from wing tip to wing tip... Shot with a Sigma 150mm @1:1 with 20mm ext tube and Raynox DCR-250 w/17 layers.
That is amazingly close Ryan!
Cool! ;)
That is amazingly close Ryan!
Many thanks guys!
I am surprised at just how much detail there is in a decease Dragonfly, wonderful image, and processing.
Thanks, I was a bit surprised as well. For being in a web for who knows how long the lhs of its head and wings are in perfect nick, the rest not so much. You can definitely tell a spider has had it looking at it as a whole.
Very well done Ryan.

Great detail although I'd never have known what it was without your description :D

Amazing picture.
Dragonflies areally pretty big for an insect, so how big was the wrb and spider ! Lol
I'm thinking it got trapped under the roof and once it got worn out fell into a giant house spider's web. After a mild winter last year we have a good few properly 'giant' ones roaming about, I found one in our bathroom the other day with a close to 4" leg span which would have made this dragonfly look like a light mid morning snack...

Very well done Ryan.

Great detail although I'd never have known what it was without your description :D

Amazing picture.
Many thanks Alan, they are pretty alien up close.