Emerald Damselfly

Love the colours and the light in the shot, though the BG is a bit distracting. Personally I'd lose the frame too, but that is wholly subjective ;).

Its a nice shot but my comments on this are:

Focus isnt quite sharp enough on the damsel - try and get focus on the eyes (just use the center focus point for shooting insects and animals, that way you know exactly where you want the focus to be).

I have checked the exif on the photo and notice you used Aperture priority but used F16. Thats much too small an aperture to be using if you are not using flash as your shutter speed was only 1/40th particularly with a focal length lens of 150mm (unless of course you use a tripod, in which case its possible to get away with it). Having said that, most macro photographers commonly use F11 even with flash. You wont get the whole subject in focus though when you are pretty close to the subject but thats the way it goes. If it bothers you, you can do photo stacking, but thats not something that I do and a whole new learning curve if it interests you.

In good light, try using say, F9 and if necessary raise the ISO to keep the shutter speed higher.

Hope the above is of some use/help.

Thanks Linda
I was using a tripod and trying to push it a bit to get it all in focus, in doing so I lost some of the sharpness I would have had at a lesser aperture.
Thanks for the pointers.
Most appreciated.
The lighting on the damselfy is great and I agree that the background is too obvious. The comments about aperture are spot on - try f8-f9 as suggested, that should be more than enough.