Final Destination

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Nicely done Eric ... very nicely done ...Like it a lot ...:p

Well worth finding time for ...imo ...:clap:
Beautiful shot m8, well worth going to Deviant Art to see it :)
It's nice, but it's too perfectly symmetrical for me - ie, it becomes quite apparent quite quickly that it's a mirrored image.
Lovely symmetry - nicley set up and executed. Great processing.
love the image, really good, but i agree with hoodi the relections and all the marks are absolutely perfect, surely you must have mirrored it? there's symmetrical and them there's mirrored.

either way, i'd be happy with it on my desktop :)
I see what you guys are saying - even the marks on the floor are identical on each side.
very nice idea i agree with above looks mirrored when you look at the marks on the floor and on the sides but still like the pic lots
I think it's a great shot but definately mirrored I can see loads of little details on each side that are exactly the same. I do really like it though.