First attempt at Orion Nebula - untracked

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Having seen a plethora of YouTube videos on the subject of DSO's with just a camera and kit lens on a tripod I thought I'd give it a go.

Olympus EM1X with Olympus 75-300 (at 240mm so EFL 480mm) lens on Benro tripod in Bortle 6-7 skies.

283 light frames at ISO 6400 1 second exposure f6.4 (at this point I really didn't expect to get anything).
50 darks
50 flats
50 bias frames

Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and processed (butchered) in Photoshop.

To say I have a long way to go is an understatement.

Happy with the result even if I may have over processed (or done it wrongly) as the colours of the sky have gone a little odd.

Thanks for looking and any CC welcome so I can improve.

I need a tracker now.

[url=]Orion Nebula 1st attempt by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]

[url=]Orion Nebula 1st attempt Cropped by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
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Great photograph! . . . As it happens I was looking into Milky Way photography just this afternoon and all I can do is 15s exposure focused at infinity lol!
Great photograph! . . . As it happens I was looking into Milky Way photography just this afternoon and all I can do is 15s exposure focused at infinity

It's a start mate.

Go for it.

Aurora is visible tonight too.

Shame I've had a beer or I'd be out.
That's a good start Terry. You've also caught the Running Man Nebula too :)