first time birding

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i had knee surgery on monday and if im honest i was expecting it to be much worse, surgeons told me il be off for 3 weeks, ive only had 3 days off and im getting stir crazy already, so i fancy going off to burton mere tomorrow to have a wee go at taking some bird photography, they have hides set up so im sure il be able to get a little sit down if needed, i know its a bit late to ask now but ive always been a bit spontaneous, is it worth going with my longest lens is a 70-200 though i can chuck on a 1.4 extender on it for some extra reach
I wonder if @the black fox Jeff knows that reserve and whether such relatively short zoom will be satisfactory for at least some bird photography situations :thinking:

PS all the best for a speedy recovery......but make sure to walk before you (try to) run in the recovery period.
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Access and comfortable seats in bird hides varies a lot.
Best to ask someone about this before you begin.
70-200 on a FF camera is going to give you 280mm, which isn't really enough unless the birds are super close. I'm not sure what camera you use though so there may be a crop factor involved too.

I often use my 100-400 as it's lighter than my Sigma and easier to lug about and on my R7, that's just about enough (for me), 640mm equivalent. If you nail the focus, it will allow better cropability if you need to.

It does of course depend as well on what type of shot you want, in your face, frame fillers or something wider. I would say, rather than go stir crazy, go anyway, take what you have and just enjoy the time in Nature.
surgeons told me il be off for 3 weeks, ive only had 3 days off
It doesn't sound like you are listening!
Shots of birds with a 70-200 doesn't sound worth the risk of a scuff/trip/fall on a recently operated-on knee to me.
It doesn't sound like you are listening!
Shots of birds with a 70-200 doesn't sound worth the risk of a scuff/trip/fall on a recently operated-on knee

You sound like my missus, trust me nurses make the worst patients...and yes I never listen, leg has been broken for 4 years if I'd of listened to the doctors I'd of just vegetated on the couch,and did nothing, it was painful for 2 days even on the mst but by yesterday it felt the same as normal so back to my normal meds last night t's still slightly swollen ( I can tell by the fit of my knee brace) but I'm walking without crutches, got about 80% of the movement I had pre op...amazing what the body can go if you try...anyway I spoke to someone last night in the pub who goes to Burton mere who thinks thec70-200 is a bit short even with the extender on so sacked the idea purely on that basis not physical issues
i had knee surgery on monday and if im honest i was expecting it to be much worse, surgeons told me il be off for 3 weeks, ive only had 3 days off and im getting stir crazy already, so i fancy going off to burton mere tomorrow to have a wee go at taking some bird photography, they have hides set up so im sure il be able to get a little sit down if needed, i know its a bit late to ask now but ive always been a bit spontaneous, is it worth going with my longest lens is a 70-200 though i can chuck on a 1.4 extender on it for some extra reach
If that is what you have, then it's what you have! Unless you can afford to run out and buy a longer lens. I don't do much bird photography but did for a while. I have a Sigma 150-500 and used it but, it was pretty expensive for me, and, needed a tripod to hold it still. I tried doing some with a 70-200 and actually it could work if you take care getting the birds close to you! Give is a shot and see what you can do.
It’s one of my local reserves dave and yes your lens will generally be to short ,plus it’s about half a mile to the first hide not good if you have walking problems ..
However there are alternatives big pool wood at ,gronant has 3 hides the birds are closer and it’s a very small reserve . At my age and with Heart related health issues I tend to do a lot of birding from my car ,again your lens reach may limit you but it’s an idea ..
another spot that might be easy going is flint castle ,free parking , and lots of benches to sit on birds can be variable but easily tempted close in with bread especially on good tides such as today at midday .your lens would be adequate there . If you need more info p.m me
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It’s one of my local reserves dave and yes your lens will generally be to short ,plus it’s about half a mile to the first hide not good if you have walking problems ..
However there are alternatives big pool wood at ,gronant has 3 hides the birds are closer and it’s a very small reserve . At my age and with Heart related health issues I tend to do a lot of birding from my car ,again your lens reach may limit you but it’s an idea ..
another spot that might be easy going is flint castle ,free parking , and lots of benches to sit on birds can be variable but easily tempted close in with bread especially on good tides such as today at midday .your lens would be adequate there . If you need more info p.m me
Thank you very much for the information, il have a Google on the places mentioned, weather not brilliant next week apart from the Friday and il be out on the bike that day, bit I'm sure il find a bit of time to get out with the camera , il remember to bring some bread to lure them down
Thank you very much for the information, il have a Google on the places mentioned, weather not brilliant next week apart from the Friday and il be out on the bike that day, bit I'm sure il find a bit of time to get out with the camera , il remember to bring some bread to lure them down
the flint castle one is by the lifeboat station it was quite good down there yesterday ,never took the camera BUT its only really good on high spring tides so about 5/6 days a month .but always plenty of gulls about to practice on
the flint castle one is by the lifeboat station it was quite good down there yesterday ,never took the camera BUT its only really good on high spring tides so about 5/6 days a month .but always plenty of gulls about to practice on
already checking tide times, i used to do a lot of sea fishing and used to fish matches at flint cob until the bank eroded so much that it disappeared
replied to your p.m
excellent shots, jeff, real pleasure to meet you and your wife, so good of you to give your time, many many thanks
couple of mine, certainly not on par with yours, il have to sort myself out a bigger lens than my 70-200, plans afoot to sort out myself a hide on my lake

yeah reach is the king .. in canon you have several alternatives you could go for a sigma 150-600C but its a F6.3 .. then there's the canon 100-400 MKi or MKii , or the old 400 f.5.6 ..any of the pro lenses in the F4 ... F2.8 range are o.k but pricey and heavy .in decent light the sigma is probably best bang for bucks lenses