Beginner Fluffy Kitten! (No really)

Edit My Images
Hi Guys,

Have just started getting into photography and took this shot when out in Marrakech earlier this month.

Comments please and advice on how best to edit this photo would be great. I have photoshop skills but would like to know what you would do to this e.g. lighten, darken, sharpen




  • IMG_8590.JPG
    89.7 KB · Views: 98
You have Photoshop skills - and you're asking?

Adjustment layers - levels and curves. Play-time.
Why don't you show us what you would/could/capable of..?
Are you stuck somewhere? :)
You have Photoshop skills - and you're asking?

Adjustment layers - levels and curves. Play-time.

I have photoshop skills as in, I know how to use it (the basics anyway). But what I'm unsure of, is what I should be adjusting to get the best out of this photo. Here's one I did earlier but I'm unsure if it's any better than the original.



  • image.jpeg
    91.3 KB · Views: 47

PS or not.
Skills or not…
The poor thing still looks miserable!
Does PS have a brush for "happy and shiny"?
Edit is definately better, cant let her indoors see this or she will want it,:) dont you just love straggly kittens.
I'd clone the tyre out.It's a nice picture but as Kodiak says it does look a bit sorry for itself.
Thanks for the comments guys. It never crossed my mind to try and remove the tyre so thanks for suggesting that, I'll give it a go later. I'll try playing with the levels a bit more too.

As for it looking a bit sorry and sad - that's kind of what I was going for and why I like it. Its a reminder that not all animals are healthy and happy. Poor thing didn't look well at all, I wish I could of taken it home tbh.


Hi Guys,

Have just started getting into photography and took this shot when out in Marrakech earlier this month.

Comments please and advice on how best to edit this photo would be great. I have photoshop skills but would like to know what you would do to this e.g. lighten, darken, sharpen



Why would you want to do any of those things to it? Would it make it better or worse than it already is?

As for comments about the crop, I disagree completely. The ONLY thing that makes this image valuable in any way IS the tyre. Take that out and it's just a kitten. Just what the internet needs... another shot of a kitten. If you need me to explain why the tyre makes it work, then you need to rethink how you read images.
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I'm no expert, but I know what I like and I'd leave the tyre in. The image of the kitten is powerful enough that the tyre does not distract the viewer but adds to the overall image. Bit of fiddling with layers and curves and you'll have a very nice image.
It looks like a half-starved street cat and it's not clear if it's hoping you'll give it a titbit or wondering if it might grab something ad scarper if you aren't careful.
You could make a gritty rather sad version or soften things down and tell a different story.
