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I've had an idea for a photo project for a while but have been too busy to start it. The idea is to get Edinburgh Landmarks viewed from different points of the City. Basically a glimpse of a recognisable structure or building. My daughter and I go the same way to ER every week and she always excitedly points out our first view of ER as we drive along Paisley Crescent(first image). That glimpse gave me the idea for the project and the title - Glimpse. Now just need to do the work to get some images. I am pondering shooting everything with a 50mm to give a similar framing as we would see with the naked eye but I think the images will lack impact. Anyways here are a few from the first set all of Easter Road Stadium
SA103555 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
SA103724 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
SA103738 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
SA103782 by Simon Wootton, on FlickrSA103816 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
SA103854 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
SA104198 by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
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Very nice set of captures Simon, and a good start for your great idea for a project.