Gloucester Cathedral HDR's


Yeah but can your army do this?
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Took a walk down to the Cathedral on Friday specifically to take some shots with my Canon 10-22 and ended up processing them all as HDR's using photomatix pro...

Any comments appreciated...

Gloucester Cathedral HDR 1


Gloucester Cathedral HDR 2


Gloucester Cathedral HDR 3


Gloucester Cathedral HDR 4


Gloucester Cathedral HDR 5


Gloucester Cathedral HDR 6

Some HDR shots look good and some look really pants and your shots are most definitely in the former category!
I really like #2 but if I look at if for too long I go dizzy! :puke:
Got to be really honest and say i just love them all!! Waw, you really have captured them well. I am in awe of them.
Hi Jeff.......crikey...I don't remember Gloucester Cathedral looking that good :LOL:

Great set of the processing...beautiful colors in the glass of 4# :clap::clap:
Come on...admit it...which official Cathedral brochure did you pinch these out of!? :LOL:

Does #2 look better with the window at the bottom cropped out, so just leaving the actual roof in shot?

3,4 & 5 are proper stunning. (y)
I think the tonemapping was more to deal with bright window light and dull unlit areas to achieve the best of both.

It hasn't been done aggressively so for me it works and helps bring out the intricate stone detail.
Some excellent shots here, as others have pointed out. I am particularly captivated by number 4. The placement of the candle near the table's edge, and then the placement of the table at the front left corner of the image really works for me, perhaps because the sweep of the table top leads the eye to those brilliant blue windows.
I on a whole dislike what photomatix does to my pictures and very rarely use it for any HDR, however in this instance i think it has done wonders, and really brought out the true beauty in the building:clap:
This set has almost made me consider giving photomatix a 2nd bash now(y)
I on a whole dislike what photomatix does to my pictures and very rarely use it for any HDR, however in this instance i think it has done wonders, and really brought out the true beauty in the building:clap:
This set has almost made me consider giving photomatix a 2nd bash now(y)

Hi, I found some great presets on the internet that I use over the built-in ones....I use this as a starting point. They usually end up over-saturated but this is easily sorted in photoshop, they quite often need a bit of sharpening up too....

Cheers all
kennysarmy said:
Hi, I found some great presets on the internet that I use over the built-in ones....I use this as a starting point. They usually end up over-saturated but this is easily sorted in photoshop, they quite often need a bit of sharpening up too....

Cheers all

Any chance you could link to these presets you have mentioned.
Best HDR i have seen for a long time. Obviously a great tog and someone who knows how to do HDR properly.
Stunning stuff Geoff!!! makes you wonder how they built that ceiling let alone the cathedral itself.

We have gone backwards in terms of architectural capabilities.