Good, bad or total rubbish (nice word for the forums)

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Playing with PP on this and I actually rather like the result, but is it just me that likes it? Be honest, and should it just be scrapped, and back to the drawing board? I tried to remove the loose hairs from around the eye and the odd strays etc.

Click for large, and thanks for looking (y)
I understand where you are going but just a bit over cooked for me but I am sure some poeple will love it.
i like the fact that some of the faces recognisable shape have been lost, makes the pic something different.

I like this too, the hair is the just a bit to black (lack of defination) but still would be sure to put aPic like that on my wall of my Daughter challange on......... well done

Thanks for the feedback all, I appreciate it. All comments and suggestions noted for the next attempt.

The blowing out of features was done by just ramping up the exposure (no air brush at all).

Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of space to work with as she was sat next to me at a garden table and was taken candid as she was reading her texts. Hence I aimed for the eye. I had the 105 micro bolted on at the time too :LOL: