
Edit My Images
First time iv played with Photoshop
commets please..

thanks for looking
if you like than that is all that matters, personally I find the sky looks a bit wierd....the other good thing is that you're experimenting with your editing programme, don't over do it though, I use the history pallette an awful lot so that i get back to a place before I messed up :)
Thanks Marianne, i thinks i did go over the top a
The sky takes away too much from the plane. Brighten the plane and increase contrast and try it again, perhaps not quite so strong, and I reckon you'd be on a winner...
sky seems to spoil what looks like a great shot, would like to see the original please.
I knew all that acid I took in the early 90's was a bad idea. I'm having a flashback! :eek:

If you brighten the plane and back off the sturation of the sky a touch my head will provably forgive you ;)
Yore welcum boar! as they say!

Bit too light all over really. Tried hard to get the detail on the plane but the coolour bleached - just shows what detail often hides in shadows but soon gets lost in highlights - that's why so many underexpose by half to one stop with digital - just like slides!