** Handle with Care! ** Glass Mountains Panoramic [FINAL EDIT]

Edit My Images
Ok this pic has caused me so much aggro.

The lighting on this particular day was all over the place, I believe it not was standing in bright sunshine (i have enough difficulty using my camera normally so a real challenge). The panoramic was created from a set of 5 shots and thankfully I lugged my tripod all the way to Oz.

Neither pic does the scenery justice but hope you enjoy.

First Attempt

My poor attempt at Mono
Mono Attempt

C&C Welcome.

Arrgh ....!!!! My colour corrections value had been reset here is my re-edit.

Second Attempt

Final Edit further down the thread at Number 16
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Lovely pano, I prefer the colour version, but personally I would have tempted to crop a small bit of the top to remove the dark cloud creeping into the shot, it seems to be what my eyes are drawn to first.
Lovely pano, I prefer the colour version, but personally I would have tempted to crop a small bit of the top to remove the dark cloud creeping into the shot, it seems to be what my eyes are drawn to first.

Thx ... Tom/PD

I aggre PD the original shots had more of the dark cloud but when I cropped it there wasn't any relation to the dark shadow area which I felt was needed for the pic. Hence my decision to leave as much of the dark strom cloud as possible. Anyone up for sending me back to Oz so I can try again .... :naughty: ;)
The picture seems to be lacking contrast and there seems to be a colour cast, I had a very quick tinker in Photoshop (hope you don't mind). I adjusted the levels and the contrast then tinkered with an S curve, then cropped the cloud at the top, Oz is somewhere I hope to go in the future looks like you had a good time!:

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Nice edit. (y) Due to your comment about the colour cast I have gone back and re-checked and found that the values I use in PS curves adjustment had been set back to their defaults. (So see my re-edit above). Think mine still needs a bit more on the contrast side of things (which is what I like about your edit) but I'm much happier with it. Not sure if it's my screen but your colours look a bit over saturated but then i'm going on the colours as I remember them and with my memory that will always be dodgy.

Thx for the comment and feedback.

I think I may have got a bit giddy with the colours! I think I also needed to adjust the shadow and highlight a little in my edit as I never noticed I'd left it so dark at the bottom. I agree yours needs a little more contrast but at the end of the day only your opinion counts if it makes you happy job done! (y)
FWIW, as a neutral observer, I think that the lack of the black clouds in the edited version is a very worthwhile adjustment (y).

I'll leave the contrast/saturation debate to those who are looking at calibrated monitors (unlike me :().
Ok all ..... by popular demand. Here is a cropped version and contrast as best I can get without making the whole thing too dark or colours too false.


I agree with the majority on reflection that it does look better without the cloud. Now to find somewhere I can afford to get a 1.5m canvas of it.
Hi Rob, I agree :help: I just don't know how to get to that point. I have tried to replicate that part of Banath's edit but this then makes the other areas too dark. I probably need to do some dodging and burning? (this at the moment is a black art to me). Anybody got some tips on this ...... please?

i had a wee go, not sure if it's any better and ripping the image off the web page doesn't give you much to play with....
Wow ...you've nailed it!!!! Please, Please, Please can you give me some hints on how you got to this ...... I love the way you have brought the detail in clouds out as well. :1st:
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if you want to email me the large file, i'll do it for you and email you back. nowler@hotmail.com

in short, i contrast mask overlayed the whole image, then selected the sky and played about with shadows and highlights and the channel mixer, then contrast and bnrightness.

did the same for the foreground, then burned in the stack on the left and the far off hills that looked washed out.

hope that helps a bit.

if you want to email me the large file, i'll do it for you and email you back. nowler@hotmail.com

in short, i contrast mask overlayed the whole image, then selected the sky and played about with shadows and highlights and the channel mixer, then contrast and bnrightness.

did the same for the foreground, then burned in the stack on the left and the far off hills that looked washed out.

hope that helps a bit.


Thx for the offer but I'll try and give it a go (might improve my PP skills a bit). I'm not sure I know how/what a contrast mask is though? :thinking:
Well :shake: ... a bit of a journey this has been. I finally have got an edit I think I'm happy to stick with. Many Thx to those that took the time and effort to give a response.

Here goes. :bang:
