Here's a real learner


A Whole Lot of Sparkle..
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I took this picture (this is about a 30% crop) on boxing day when we went to see the family pets. I like the close up, it has given me a great opportunity to see how the various sharpening and blurring routines work because with all that hair any wrong decisions instantly made something disappear! Anyway, this was a colour RAW taken with the D1x and the Sigma 28-200, I did get in rather close but seem to have missed the focus a little. Nonetheless I do like the picture, and it's a deliberate crop to make it a bit more mysterious - even I am not sure and I took the picture!


Horses eye ? Ive done many similar
Can i ask why you converted to mono? Can we see the colour one ?

As you already know, the focus is off slightly but a nice pic nevertheless :)
Went to mono because it made it a bit more mysterious... not so easy to say "Horses eye!", although I think the iris gives it away. When I say "learner" I mean that in the sense that it helped me to see just what the various image manipulation tools do - because of the subject and some-in-some-out of focus hairs.

This is the full frame compressed in colour for you:

