Iron Men (Crosby Beach)

Out of the set the third for me has the most potential. You have a great diagonal going on there with the three elements (the iron men and the buoy). Shame you didn't have the light on your side though as the two you haven't messed with just look flat.

The first one does nothing for me I'm afraid. Whatever HDR style processing you have done has left you with terrible greens and the dreaded halo around the subject.

The good thing is that the third shot really does have potential and it's an easy place to go to do a re-shoot with better lighting. At this time of year I would try getting down there about seven in the evening and waiting it out until the light is perfect :)
Hello Norters,

I've had the camera about a month and never done photography before so I am only messing about at the moment to get used to using it.

I'll keep putting stuff on here as I think it's the best way to learn. Hopefully people will see the difference between now and a few months time.

I live about 300 metres from the Iron Men so I'm sure I'll end up doing them to death!

Thanks for your comments.
