Is there a good source of KOOD filters/holders?

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Tried for 6hours yesterday going thru every website I could think of trying to order everything in one batch.
Am after a grad filter, a P sized holder, a 67mm adapter ring, a 67mm UV filter and a 67mm CPL of some kind.

Seems nowhere has all in stock at any one time :razz:

Or am I missing some shops out? Anybody come across a dedicated UK filter supplier? The obvious thing would be to order from KOOD direct, but they don't do it anymore :|
yup, ordered from them, but I don't think they actually have them in stock. I just get the impression they don't, but we'll see. Its really frustrating, a few years ago I used to just be able to walk into a shop, and pick up what I needed. Now its a proper mission to get all the bits :(
Ordered a Kood CPL from from Crooked Imaging last week and it urned up the following day.
Good price as well, cheaper than their eBay shop.