Lily Dog Strike 2

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I find it very difficult to take photos of my dog that I am happy with, how would you improve these?? All I have done is very very slightly upped the exposure.



DSC_38451 by jomantha, on Flickr

DSC_38441 by jomantha, on Flickr
Thtas such an intent expression in #1 - I wouldn't change it other than perhaps a slightly tighter crop. Not sure about #2
Thanks it's hard to photograph her as she is very protective and doesn't like to leave my side
It is good she is very protective although as you have found this makes photography very hard.

The first shot has really nice balance between flash and background. Not much can improve it in image editing tbh. If I were taking the shot I would have tried to either zoom out or step back a couple of paces and move into vertical format so as to get here full body in shot.
I have the same problem with my terrier--hence very few photos of him. I think labs, particularly chocolates, look good in B&W and sepia so had a quick play in Aperture. If you don't approve, let me know and I'll take them down. Used the blue filter and upped the contrast a tad, as well as cropping the first.

Screen shot 2011-04-15 at 15.49.24 by Dramy33, on Flickr

Screen shot 2011-04-15 at 15.56.32 by Dramy33, on Flickr
I did see them from laptop, they were great, I especially liked the black and White conversion of the first one with the crop to move Lily so she is slightly off centre - will have a go myself when infer proper time on the laptop.

Thank you.