Milky way (not the snack you can eat between meals either :p)

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Took these a few nights ago near Rhyd-Ddu in Wales and thought i'd share. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, there's still a fair amount of light pollution around unfortunately.

ISO 6400, D700, 30 seconds and a nice clear sky :)

Same spot as above, same settings, but this time I left the camera on continuous mode and I drove up and down the road hoping to get some light trails. But the ones with trails at 6400 were just blown out too much, whereas this one I preferred.

Looking over a lake which was behind me for the above shots, a 10 minute star trail.

And finally, from the edge of the lake in Nantlle. I wanted to get the gentle mist which was on the surface, but my million-candle torch just ended up lighting the place too much for them to show as well as giving me enough exposure for the stars.

Prefere 1,2 & 4 as the 3rd doesn't do anything for me.... Nice set thou..

1st one almost looks like a volcano erupting :)thinking: to me it does)
Good set... I'm amazed at how much detail you got from a single exposure, must be good skies. For the star trails image, it might be worth looking at overlying the final trailed image with a single frame from the stack for the foreground. I do like the last one, but you've got trails in the lake, and not in the sky ;)
ooh John, I' like that idea of overlaying a single frame over the trail, would give a nice starfield behind the trails, crackin' idea, thanks!!

I'm off to Iceland next month so hoping to get some really nice dark skies there for some starry goodness.
Enjoy the trip, and watch out for some Aurorae... the sun is more active than it was and will continue to do so... you never know... Sounds great to me for the stary skies ;)
Thanks John.

I did go there last year for a long weekend hoping to get some Aurorae shots, but it was literally overcast every single night, I was gutted and vowed to return every year until I get to see it :)
Took these a few nights ago near Rhyd-Ddu in Wales and thought i'd share. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, there's still a fair amount of light pollution around unfortunately.QUOTE]


A beautiful set of images. Is this image taken from a static position or have you used some kind of tracking system?

Thanks Gary,

There is no tracking, just static on a tripod.
Thank you all, @I-S, i'm happy i've inspired you. You should have a go, no matter what result you get, it's always nice to actually get out and just look up at the sky sometimes.
Amazing pictures!
Did you use the long exposure mode or any special settings?
I did try doing something similar in the garden in Chesterfield but I suspect there is far too much light pollution.
no special settings, just a 30 second exposure at high ISO. It's just a case of finding somewhere dark enough tbh :)
Loving star trials, how do you put them together as a single 10min exposure is bit mad on a DSLR
Pretty stunning set you have there! I absolutely love No2 :) Great stuff :clap:
Loving star trials, how do you put them together as a single 10min exposure is bit mad on a DSLR

Yeah just leave the camera in "bulb" mode with a shutter release cable locked. I usually do much longer than 10 minute ones tbh, depends on conditions and light in the sky etc.
No2 does it for me - the lamp towards camera (headlight/torch?) works a treat. Well done!
Thank you all, hopefully have inspired a few people to give it a go (once the clouds vanish :p).

@Ozei, that's me in the car with lights on driving towards where I left the camera :)
They're probably very good technical shots, but I don't really get star shots like this. Possibly because it's a scene I've never seen personally, so I struggle to relate to the shots?
@68lbs, that's fair enough, that's photography for you, you'll never get a shot that everyone will like. But next time you're out in deepest darkest Yorkshire at night, find a spot at the side of the road where it's dark on a clear night , give your eyes 10 minutes to adjust to the darkness and look up :)

@Ozei, lol fortunately the tripod was up on footpath off the road, so safe from passing cars (not that were were any out in the wilds), the only danger would have been a stray sheep :)