More long distance close ups.

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Hi Peter,

Glad to see you are getting good use out of my 'old' lens - looks to be a cracking combination with the extender as the shots you have taken demonstrate.:)


Hi Peter,

Glad to see you are getting good use out of my 'old' lens - looks to be a cracking combination with the extender as the shots you have taken demonstrate.:)



Hi Roy - I haven't really had much time to try out the lens - a combination of weather and helping some of my family to move to Ireland - but it looks good.

I thought it would be - the only problems with such a combo outdoors is the reduced DOF, wind, insects moving etc.

But the good points are that I can get pics I couldn't have got before because I'm not frightening the insects etc off and the IS makes it much easier to hold the frame so I can see when it is sharp.

I'm using manual all the time because the AF tends to hunt - not surprising really.

But this combination really is a cracker for these kind of pics.

Indoors now I'm using the extension tubes with my "nifty fifty" - another excellent combo: