Mushroom/Fungus my first attempt

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Thsi was taken back in October last year a few months after i decided to get into photograpy. C&C would be welcome, if only to help me acheive better results next Autumn

Nice Image.
Personally as it is almost central I would crop the right to put it in the centre and crop about 10% off the top as I find I am looking over the top.
Did you re-sharpen it after reducing the image size for posting?
thanks for the feedback, i didnt re-sharpen after resizing no, is that easy to do? I have PS Elements 7 if thats any help

thanks magicminx, at the time i took it i didnt even know what aperture was lol, good tip for next Autumn though so thanks

thanks for the feedback, i didnt re-sharpen after resizing no, is that easy to do? I have PS Elements 7 if thats any help

Hi Paul,
I use PSE7 as well.

On tool bar at the top
Click Enhance
Select Auto Sharpen for the drop down menu.
This will then sharpen your image.

The parameters for Auto sharpen are taken from the last parameters you set under
Tool Bar - Enhance > Adjust Sharpness.

My current settings are:
Radius=3.0 pixels
Remove=Gaussian Blur
More Refine in Unchecked.

You made need to experiment to get the best results for a particular image but those settings generally work when you are resizing for posting

Other people may find different settings better.

Warning: You can over sharpen the image, if you do you will see a 'halo' effect along contrasting edges.

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thanks so much for taking the time, based on your suggestions this is the revised image

The edit is a improvement - a bit crisper.
The smaller aperture, suggested by MagicMynx, is worth bearing mind for your next shoot.
Roll on next autunm eh :)
Of course you can always practice with some mushrooms from the shops, like a still life, set on a log ... then you will ready with all your settings, DoF, etc. next autumn.