My little darlings...

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I thought I'd share a picture of each of my little darlings! Nothing serious, just wanted to post really. :)

First up my daughter Molly, who recently turned 8; growing up far too quickly. :D


Next up we have my son, Charlie, who believe it or not is only 16 months old! He is beyond his tender age in many ways, scary stuff! :eek: You'll have to excuse the state of him and his inability to stay still for any decent amount of time...boys will be boys. :bonk:


Thanks for looking,

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Lovely catch light in both their eyes, you've caught your daughter with a lovely expression, Charlie seems to be watching someone/something over your left shoulder, I certainly don't mind the readybrek aftershave he's wearing but both Charlie and Mollie, I feel, could do with a bit more colour, no?

Or, if your intention was to draw us to their eyes, have you tried cropping in more closely?
Thanks for the comments.

I had a shot of Charlie looking straight down the barrel (so to speak) however he was slightly out of focus. :(

Just trying out some different processing; the colours out of the camera were pretty good (tbh I usually prefer mono shots). I'll have another go later on. :)
