New to this!

Joanne Phillips
Edit My Images
New to all this so after some feedback to help me improve! All feedback welcome!
great idea!! To improve this particular shot I'd not centralise the dog so much put him/her slightly off centre in the frame it will help with the visual appeal (you can crop off some of the left of the image) then the only issue I have is it seems the focus is on the paws other than the eyes. I love it though otherwise!
I like the shot, but it's badly in need of sharpening. Tick your 'Edit' box (you need to go to your profile) and I can show you what I mean. ;)
I would crop everything to the left of the leftmost paw marks, crop to the right side of the dog, and crop the top a little bit closer to the head. Then do a B+W conversion and sharpen. Make sure to do the conversion.editing such that the paw marks are made more prominent. It will be very nice, I promise :)
Really good first shot. I agree with CT about the sharpening (a problem I too have). But unlike other replies, I really like the paw prints on the sand on the left side and if anything I'd crop on the right side a little.

Beauty about photography (like any other form of art) is that you can learn the technique, but every picture is personal.

Have loads of fun with your new-found hobby! :)

Welcome to TP (y) This is a nice shot ,the paw prints really add something to the shot . as said above a tighter crop ,a bit of a sharpen would only add to already a very nice shot.
But unlike other replies, I really like the paw prints on the sand on the left side

I like them too I think they important part of the image, I only meant crop off an inch or so and definitely not remove the paw prints.
I like them too I think they important part of the image, I only meant crop off an inch or so and definitely not remove the paw prints.

Sorry Lisa, must have misunderstood your comment :shake:
I like the photo. I like the paw prints and how the dog is running at you.

Well done :clap: