OpenAI video: this seriously freaked me out

LongLensPhotography's all folks!
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Go watch the samples first.

Scary good for a 1 day old monster newborn "baby". I am right to freak out this will end the creative industry as we know it. If you can for example upload a model, basic image or description of your product this will spit out a cheap but good looking video advertisement. Stills are even further down the rabbit hole. I am not against the capability to augment your commercial work by a few percent, or spit out some crazy greeting card in a few minutes like a cat in space, etc but all the rest seriously freaks me out; like should I look for alternative profession right now?
I think maybe in the future productions may be created from highly detailed instructions. Sort of like a script but with all the minutiae of direction incorporated, and then run through an AI program.
I think maybe in the future productions may be created from highly detailed instructions. Sort of like a script but with all the minutiae of direction incorporated, and then run through an AI program.
I fear this might go this way.

Anyone with access to MIdjourney, can you please for example try feeding one of the pages from Victor Hugo's The hunchback of Notre Dame. That is a very very detailed novel.... you may need some extra technical termss and arguments but maybe not that many... so basically you have to be very good in writing, and AI can help you with this. Down the rabbit hole we go.
The Genie is well and truly out of the bottle!

It's creative use is one thing but it seems the writers & developers either naively or deliberately ignored that nefarious uses will happen (deep fake anyone?).

Though perhaps like Musk and X it is more about freedom of expression and hang the "truth" ~ discuss ???
At some point there will need to a public discussion on the energy use involved in AI as it is huge, but currently hidden in cloud data centres.
Take that along with the drive towards electric cars and phasing out gas and something is going to have to give.
Look at crypto mining too.
I actually think it would be interesting to see a film generated entirely by a small team of experts rather than the hugely bloated productions, with all the problems they entail. I can't honestly say I would miss self important celebrities giving us their opinions on everything. If it's done well it could work. The only caveat being that it might be difficult to empathise with something that is AI generated.
I actually think it would be interesting to see a film generated entirely by a small team of experts rather than the hugely bloated productions, with all the problems they entail. I can't honestly say I would miss self important celebrities giving us their opinions on everything. If it's done well it could work. The only caveat being that it might be difficult to empathise with something that is AI generated.
Wasn't the fear/implications of that a prime reason for the Actors Guild strike in the USA?
Wasn't the fear/implications of that a prime reason for the Actors Guild strike in the USA?

It was certainly in the mix, I think. It's tricky, isn't it? We always have to balance things. Although, at this point the current model is teetering on the edge of the abyss and is becoming unworkable. It's a vast expense for not always a lot of return these days.
adapt to the changes, no? “AI or die”….
easy said if documentary and events work will be all that is left soon on this path.... Weeding shooters might survive for a while, anything creative and product work probably will be going down the toilet for the most part with just the select few making it through; big household names essentially...

The state of Adobe firefly engine AI is actually not that good, so I am sort of OK with it. Gen Fill works OK, it can erase a blemish, extend and edge a TINY bit but really fails at anything bigger, or where it needs to invent new things. Fake looking cats with 5 or 6 legs... that's what it does. OK for concept visualising and not OK for delivery and that works for me. But the harsh reality is Open AI and midjourney are gunning for our jobs and livelihoods, and they are being trained on our work without our permission. They will be cheaper so guess what will happen in a global recession business environment
I reckon AI will significantly impact the [photography] work of those pro "Fine Art / Landscape" & advertising folks. It'll probably make the work of architecture/real eastate, sport & wedding folks a bit easier/quicker, and is unlikely to do much to the true photojournalism/documentary folks. Competitions will be extremely difficult to judge fairly going forward and semi-art stuff like Nature/Astro will probably end up with a lot of sceptical viewers.

Career photographers, depending on their specialism, will have to adapt just like when digital arrived and all the "Uncle Bobs" descended on weddings with their 350Ds (and phones in later years).
I think it will be two tier. I think the airwaves will be full of AI frippery. But it'll just be a commodity and disposable. Whereas I think you will still have the creators. You've just got to reframe the context of what constitutes success.
Once upon a time newspapers (remember them?) had hand drawn illustrations of events. Then along came photography. It's what happens.
that was people vs people. Now people vs the machine. Not the same
In the video from the OP at 15s her legs go a bit crazy ! - Also this is what AI gives out, not reality and to the best of my knowledge AI output must be labelled as such. Not art, not original and not a client !
In the video from the OP at 15s her legs go a bit crazy ! - Also this is what AI gives out, not reality and to the best of my knowledge AI output must be labelled as such. Not art, not original and not a client !
for a 1 day old baby AI that's decent. Remember this is the very worst it will ever be or you can paraphrase it in a different way
"AI" Question to everyone: Is "AI" the image we see or the emotion of the story? (or both??)