Percy pear

Brilliant, really like the idea behind this one... Really wish i'd experimented a little more with the possibilities when I had a go a few years ago...

There's something about pears that kind of lends them to exercises in anthropomorphism somehow.
Brilliant, really like the idea behind this one... Really wish i'd experimented a little more with the possibilities when I had a go a few years ago...

There's something about pears that kind of lends them to exercises in anthropomorphism somehow.
I got the idea of using pears to tell a story after seeing this
On Pinterest. I think they are really well done, with lots of imagination.
Just had a scroll through that link, definitely recognised some of the works in there as being people I followed at one point on flickr... it's one hell of a stream of inspiration for still life though - especially for people like me with a bit of an eye for the Vanitas style of imagery...
Hi Dominic

Great job loving the tones and light. Great base and background too.
Thanks for that link too.

Fabulous images on there.
