Puffins from Skomer


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I went to Pembrokeshire this week for a trip away by meself and I loved it.
I went to Skomer and here is a couple from the day. I'd actually go earlier on in the month next year, there weren't as many puffins as I thought there would be, and the many I did see, literally only a handful were bringing back sand eels. The weather was too good, hot and sunny, but too sunny! Very challenging trying to bring back the whites.

To see more, please go here. http://www.slwildlife.co.uk/portfolio196598.html




Many thanks in advance.
It's a great place isn't it. I was shooting 4/3rds under exposed to keep the details in the whites. It's worth turning on 'blinkies' to see if you're overexposing.

#2 looks like it was shot at the Wick?. Might have been good just moving slightly to get the blue sea behind both birds?

Lovely colours and you've kept the detail really well.
Nice shots Sarah , the puffins came early this year something to do with the warmer weather we had in April , the island must have been busy with the warm weather , at least you got on the Island
You have caught the birds really well the exposure is spot on and the sharpness on the first is amazing it really shows the detail. However, something doesn't look right about the blur in the for/background and as a result for me it is a little distracting.
Thank you all so much for your replies :) Will take on all advice and crit for next time :)
Lovely set Sarah. You have managed to catch the detail and colours well without blowing the whites (y)

The only time I have ever been to Pembrokeshire it rained so hard for a week that I didn't leave the house at all.
I love these Sarah :) I can't wait until I go!
Thankyou everyone, really is appreciated :)

I loved it so much and have been very grumpy since I've been back home! :D