Santa Monica Pier - PP help needed!

Edit My Images
I've been sorting through and pping images from my hols to La, and I love this photo, but I'm not completely happy with the pp of it. I have CS2 and I'm not all that good on it as you'll notice:

Original is a colour raw file so I have plenty of scope. B&W conversion was with channel mixer, from memory red 80% blue 20%, been resized and UA at 100%/2.0(or may have been 1.2)/0

Anyway, any help or tips would be very much appreciated as I want to print this one (probably at 6x4 and at 15x10)

Post the raw and prepare to be amazed with the skills people suddenly display :)

Post the raw and prepare to be amazed with the skills people suddenly display :)


Now that's a good idea! Here (if I've got this bit right) is a link to the raw file, so let's see what wonders the good people of TP come up with! Hmm, I reckon that I may just learn quite a lot from this!

ps - I've also just thought: I suspect that I should have posted this in the pp forum mods? If it should be then please move it and accept my apologies.
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just duplicate layer, levels, set black point (shadow of glasses), then burn background (midtones), the dodge midtones in the glasses to bring out the reflection.thats it really.
I thought I'd have a bash but my mono skills are not particularly good - something I'm working on. :D

The first one was done in LR using the Lightroom B&W Low Contrast standard preset with a few tweaks: Exposure +1.42, Recovery 50 and Fill Light 5.


The second was exported to Photoshop and had the shadow contrast decreased and slight decrease to the highlight contrast, it was then ready to be converted using an action I have (can't remember the settings I'm afraid) but it's a pretty standard one.

Weird double posting going on - see below
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Well, its Eurovision on TV, so I thought I'd have a go at this.

The B&W conversion basically needs a bit more contrast to make it punch a bit more.


The above was converted using CS4's B&W conversion tool - using the yellow filter preset. (Simply because I thought that looked the best - YMMV). Then I moved the levels slider a touch to the right. Finally added a tad of extra contrast.

But with B&W there is so much you can do to alter the look and feel of the image. Just by way of example and for a bit of fun / interest

This one had a preset Holga filter applied to it:


And this one had a preset Cyanotype filter applied:


Its worth googling around a bit to find preset filters or actions that you can apply to B&W images - many of them are free. You may or may not like the last 2 treatments (personally, I think both of them work fine) but you're sure to find something that works.

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I copied the jpeg off of the screen. I hope you don't mind but took the woman out all together....:LOL: ruff bit of cloning there for you oh and some dodging and burning.

Wow, these are all good, thanks people! Although for the last one Onform I have to say that I don;t think my mother in law would be to happy as it's her you cloned out! Not too sure I'd be too popular if I printed that one! Nice it of cloning though...
OH...Don't be dropping me in it now. She will be round here giving me a clip round the ear... :LOL:
Actually she's back in the country next month, so I may just be pointing her in your direction... unless I receive some sort of lens with an L in the name pretty soon...!