Saved Flowers

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I saved these flowers form the bin as I sort of liked the look of them.

We had this jug thing and also sort of thought it might work with the flowers.

Salvaged the base/floor from a job a while back.

Same with the background I painted that with tester pots of black and brown emulsion.

Just thought I would explain how the image came about.

All feedback/crit is much welcomed.


Lovely! You have prepared it and lit it so well.

The only suggestion I would have is that the jug (which is beautiful, especially with that swooping handle) is a bit too tall, so you end up with a top half and a bottom half and they are rather disconnected.

Thank you for saving the flowers.
I just really like that, it's like a sad ending.
Very nice Gary and thank you for the explanation buddy :)

Lovely! You have prepared it and lit it so well.

The only suggestion I would have is that the jug (which is beautiful, especially with that swooping handle) is a bit too tall, so you end up with a top half and a bottom half and they are rather disconnected.

Thank you for saving the flowers.
Thanks Paul.
Great feedback. I did not pick the disconnection up myself but now you have explained it to me I think I can see what you mean.
it's like a sad ending.
Hi Damion.
Good feedback, the image made you feel something thats a good thing.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Classic still life feel, really well done
Thanks Chris.
Very nice Gary and thank you for the explanation buddy :)

Cheers Les.
I often wonder wether folk like to know the background or not.
Good shot
Thanks Jeff.
I appreciate you stopping by.

Hi Damion.
Good feedback, the image made you feel something thats a good thing.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Thanks Chris.

your welcome chris , i hope to make feeling evoking imagery myself .
I think the BG like in any portrait - to me is as important as the subject Gary :)