Critique Seal at St Marys Lighthouse.

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I made sure I approached this guy with caution, and from the front so he could see me coming.
I didn't want to startle him so made sure he could see he all the way.

I was surprised how relaxed he was about me being so close (3-4 metres) but I photographed him for around 15-20 minutes then left it be.

Had to use a tripod and manual focus my 50mm as I'm having some autofocus issues at the moment.

All taken with a 550D and Canon 50mm 1.4 USM.

It was getting a little dark so the ISO was raised to get the required shutter speeds.

1) 1/60th @ f1.8 // ISO400

2) 1-125th @ f1.8 // ISO800

3) 1/80th @ f1.6 // ISO400

4) 1/100th @ f1.8 // ISO800

5) 1/80th @ f2.8 // ISO400

6) 1/80th @ f2.8 // ISO400

Thanks for looking

Comments welcome :)

Such a gentle looking creature and you have captured him/her very well. I would with the first couple crop out the bright sky, I find it distracting. The 3rd shot is very nice with the OOF foreground and background. The last two I think are the best of the set, the 5th again sits well in the composition and the focus is very nice low viewpoint blurring the foreground well.
Such a gentle looking creature and you have captured him/her very well. I would with the first couple crop out the bright sky, I find it distracting. The 3rd shot is very nice with the OOF foreground and background. The last two I think are the best of the set, the 5th again sits well in the composition and the focus is very nice low viewpoint blurring the foreground well.
Cheers for your comments steve i appreciate you taking the time :)
Its not my usual thing so I was just over the moon to see him let alone get some photos from this close :)
Thansk again :)
All great images number 5 my favourite, looks as though the seal is posing just for you! Cheaper than hiring a studio model!:banana:
No.1 and 2 are my favourites. You even got me planning a drive from Cardiff up there to see them.
Don't think there too many at St Mary's :)
You're better off going to the Farnes!!!
Yea, its still a bit of a trek for a day trip though. I went to Skomer couple weeks ago, but alas, no seals to be seen.
Nice shots Nick, they're great to photograph, I shot them a few times in Skye last year.

Just drive along to Tenby! Much cheaper lol.
Where abouts in Tenby can you see them? I've not been down there since I was about 8.
pretty much agree with whats alredy been said, the sky is a little overblown and distracting in 1,2 and 4. also all of them look a little on the blue/cool side and think could do with just a tad warming up.