sensor clean

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hi there being new to dslr's its the first time ive come up against a dirty sensor

i've ordered a giotto rocket blower off the net but it has not arrived yet due to the postal strike :(:( trouble is the sensor on my a200 is stinking and i need the camera tomorrow :bang::bang:

here's a pic of a white screen to show you how bad it is

is there anything i could use like a hairdrier or a turkey baster or somthing just to give it a blowdown to see if i can get some dirt off it :shrug::shrug:
accordingto the exif that was taken at F29 I doubt you will do much shooting at that so less will show up.
Will be fine until you get your blower
so judging by the linked photo mine is clean:LOL::LOL: sorry about this, i've got a lot to lean about dslrs
Get yourself a hurricane blower and give it a blow out.. do not use canned air NEVER!

that should clear it up fine. I like to keep my sensor spotless so I understand you want to clean it..