Silverstone best spots?

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Hi everyone newbie poster alert, and yep you guessed it I'm looking for some :help: :)

Would you mind if I introduced myself (skip this if you dont want my life history!).......

I am an 'enthusiastic amateur but veteran photographer' if that makes sense! I first became interested in photography at about 10 when my grandparents bought me a polaroid camera. After moving to a Konica 110 a couple of years later I then jumped into the deep dark world of SLR photography (with a Praktica MTL5:nuts: ) at the tender age of 14! It was a steep learning curve.

After many years of experimenting and having general fun I suddenly quit SLR when I had my 2nd daughter, SLR photography became a drag and digital was then starting to reach 2mp limits in the compact market, and so I decided to switch.

8 digicams later......and I have recently purchased a Panasonic FZ50, 10mp, 12x image stabilzed Leica lens prosumer cam, very pleased so far......hope non-DSLR users are welcome around here :thinking:

So to my question.....I am attending the final round of the BTCC at Silverstone this weekend, they will be using the indy circuit, does anyone know where I can grab some decent shots without catchment fence in front of me? It has been many, many years since I went to Silverstone, about 12 or 13 in fact and I am sure things have changed since then.

I managed to grab a few photos at the Renault world series you can see them here if you are interested, critique is more than welcome, just remember though I don't have a super duper SLR body and £1000 zoom lens :LOL:

Thanks in advance to any help.
Have a look at the thread Joe T mentions. I fear you're gonna be out of luck at an official meeting like the BTCC. It'll be heavily "policed" to keep the crowds in the right places and there's almost nowhere without fences in front of you at Silverstone :crying:

Welcome on board. One of the things I love about this place is there's no camera snobbery. It doesn't matter if you've got a £100 point and shoot or £1000's worth of SLR and glass (y)
When ever I go to silverstone I head for the luffield corners, but you have to stand towards the back of the area to avoid the fence. Great set of corners and you should see the cars hitting the curbs and lifting slightly
Thanks guys for the answers, just as I feared :(

Good to hear I'm welcome, there are a few boards I know of where arguments rage black is blue when it comes to prosumers versus DSLR.

I will post anything I get, if it is half decent then, anyone else going tomorrow?