Snetterton BSB warm up

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What a difference 2 weeks can make, 2 weeks ago i was injoying Donnington even in the wet and wind, yesterday no motivation, hated it every moment. I gave up after a couple off sessions just couldnt hold my head up with out being in pain let alone the camera, packed up at went home to bed, where i should have stayed tbh, but as i didnt and did get a few shots thought i might as well posted them here.

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Hosted on Fotki

Hosted on Fotki

Hosted on Fotki

Hosted on Fotki

Quite possibly my last too, due to work issues :(
Hope your feeling better soon!! On a photography note these are fantastic. I wouldnt expect anything less from you!! Really like the first and third. I hope you do manage to get to another BSB meet as I really enjoy you pictures :)
Thanks Matt means alot at the moment, been a bad week for many reasons, i did think i had secured funding for the rest of the season, but thats kinda fallen flat on its face, not to mention the work problems which if not sorted i will not have a car soon, but never say never.
Well, if that is an off day... can I have some off days?!

Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope they work out soon and don't let the bastids grind you down!
Thanks Matt means alot at the moment, been a bad week for many reasons, i did think i had secured funding for the rest of the season, but thats kinda fallen flat on its face, not to mention the work problems which if not sorted i will not have a car soon, but never say never.

If you hang your head things will decline. If you hold your head up high and just dont let it get you down then things will start too look up for you!
Well, if that is an off day... can I have some off days?!

Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope they work out soon and don't let the bastids grind you down!

Thanks i am happy enough with what i did get, but really wished i hadnt, just got up and even just breathing is enough to almost bring tears to the eye some pain killers and back to bed for a bit i think, not quite sure how i would have made it home if i did stay. I do have another 2 cards full to check later at some point.
Well, if that is an off day... can I have some off days?!

Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope they work out soon and don't let the bastids grind you down!

:agree: with desantnik, great shots particularly no.2, and hope things get better soon!
Well the colour looks more lifelike in the second one - I assume the second one is the edit?! :D

The angle? Dunno - its not rubbish but its not wow. Think its because that sort of tight head on ish shot want to feel like its coming towards you and this isn't slightly. Or something like that.
The colours seem a bit off at my end but a very nice set of images as always.

Any one in particularly? or all? my current monitor isnt calibrated so could be off. But one of them has been played with as experiment.

excellent photos as always.

how come you were in pain? what happened?

Thanks, in short 3 broken vertebrae from a car accident pulls my shoulder out of alignment,, picked something up incorrectly caught a nerve in the shoulder, which cause spasms and numbness in my left arm. Funny you wouldn't think numbness would be soo painful lol

:bang: Oh and sorry on the spelling, slap wrist, please don't ban me
:bang: Oh and sorry on the spelling, slap wrist, please don't ban me

I'm not going to slap your wrist, it sounds like you are in enough pain already :)

seriously though, i hope it all heals up pretty soon. youre shots are an asset to the forum so we dont want you taking too long a break (pardon the pun)
I'm not going to slap your wrist, it sounds like you are in enough pain already :)

seriously though, i hope it all heals up pretty soon. youre shots are an asset to the forum so we dont want you taking too long a break (pardon the pun)

Thanks, always nice to know your efforts are appirecated, its an opld enjory goinf back 3 and a bit years, so kinda used to it, although i didnt mention it seems i may have ruptured some legiments in the shoulder this time, as its taking to long to recover and the physio said theres something not right. So fingers crossed

Time for a monopod for the bad days i think, any real lay off will just be funding issues.
any real lay off will just be funding issues.

I think that might be about to hit me pretty soon too. When i got my equipment stolen i only carried on (with a mates 30d) in the hope i would eventually get the insurance money back for the 1d MKiiN and lens, but the financial ombudsmen finally wrote to me today (after 10 months) and told me to get stuffed (in more polite words). So thats then end of that. I'll see how it goes anyway.
I remember reading about that mate, thats harsh. What about that lens in the sig your's or your mates? if making do with that then consider the 40d over the 1d, personally i might be forced to rid of everything including car house etc due to work related issues. But you never no whats around the corner.
Any one in particularly? or all? my current monitor isnt calibrated so could be off. But one of them has been played with as experiment.

It looks like the 4th one in the first set and the 1st one in the second set in particular. Could just be me though?
It looks like the 4th one in the first set and the 1st one in the second set in particular. Could just be me though?

Hmm not sure on the first one you mentioned a tad warmer then the second panning shot from here (not at home) the second one you mentioned has had a warm up filter applied, and desaturated background..