B&W Some sepia styled shots

To be honest I think it's combination of the light and the processing but these are nearly all incredibly flat, the only one where the light is helping is the third where the light actually looks better (y)

#1 I think you've got the most out of this composition as you could, it doesn't look like the easiest location to get a stunning vantage, however I like the mix of the old windows and the doorway you cannot help but wonder on what is beyond the door...

#2 I like the composition of porch and bell tower, however I cannot help but feel its to tightly composed I want to see a wider PoV so you can place the church into some kind of context within the location/landscape..

#3 The light is nicer on this one so that really does help it, I do like this one though the stump or what ever it is could be seen as a touch dominating in frame but personally I do like it..

#4 When presented with such perfect symmetry as the designer of this gate house went to the trouble of doing you really should try and work with it, I'd have much rather seen you shooting from a central position rather than off centre as seem in this one...

#5 well that is a rather impressive doorway, I'd preferred to not have it as squashed in as its seen in this photo..

You've managed the exposures well but there is certainly room for both improved light and processing as the sepia conversions have sucked the life out of them a little
Thanks for the replies. Seems I have a lot to learn about these conversations. I shall certainly go back to them and have another go at it, taking the comments into account.