weekly Sophie - 52 for 2024 - Week 21 - Weather

Week 21 - Weather

This morning the rain had returned, and my male cat Titan doesn't understand that I have no control over it. So he lays by the back door watching the rain, before reluctantly going outside for his morning scout of the territory.

I used Mr Browns Macro lens for this picture in the hope of being able to highlight his slightly wet fur, but he just wasn't wet enough this morning.

Lazy Cat
by Sophie Brown
Good that he didn’t bring the wet in with him and distribute it in the house, bad that he didn’t bring the wet in with him for the photo.
Great catch up set... nicely exposed too - I can't imagine it was easy in that environment.
Weather... lovely shot. My old cat used to get me to open the door, stick his nose out and then go into reverse mode when it was raining!