


I can't decide if I like this pair or think they just look like snapshot tat - any opinions?


Hmmm I quite like the effect, looks a bit spooky, not sure I'd have em on me wall tho...but that's only my opinion lol
I don't think they look like snaps or tat... there's more work and thought gone into them than that.

The second one is the better of the two for me, but I can't help thinking you've missed the boat with all the detail there probably is in that shattered old tree stump. Did you expose for a silhouette or have you proceesed it like that? ;)

Lots of interesting texture there if you pull a bit more detail from the shadows, but that's me with my dyed in the wool old technical head on. :D
Thanks to the pair of you :)

I prefer the second one too, CT. The exposure was somewhere in the middle - there's a wee bit of detail in the stump (quite a lot if you push the RAW ;) ) but I obliterated it in processing. Will have another play I think!
I much prefer that Hoodi. Very Tolkienesque. :)
i like them, dont think they are tat at all! nice proicessing