The Cleaner

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The broomstick(or whatever you call what she's holding) really makes the image intresting. I'm ocd so all these lines are pleasing to my eye:p Well spotted!
Could be better in B&W since there's not much colour.
Great composition.
Thank you. :)
Like it yep yep:)!
The broomstick(or whatever you call what she's holding) really makes the image intresting. I'm ocd so all these lines are pleasing to my eye:p Well spotted!
Could be better in B&W since there's not much colour.
Thank you. :)
The floor mop handle definitely added much to the image with its angular content.
I just couldn't convince myself to convert her colourful top to B&W, the background is almost a reflection of that colour.
I did an interesting thing with this picture. When blown up on Flickr to its max, you can then move the cleaner to any part of the picture and it still makes a great photograph. So long as the cleaner is in the picture somewhere you can crop it in any way you like without losing any of the impact. One of the most impressive image subjects I've seen in a while.
I did an interesting thing with this picture. When blown up on Flickr to its max, you can then move the cleaner to any part of the picture and it still makes a great photograph. So long as the cleaner is in the picture somewhere you can crop it in any way you like without losing any of the impact. One of the most impressive image subjects I've seen in a while.
Thank you.
Yes I looked at a number of different crop options which included the cleaner and some of the 'angles' and every one worked, just as you say. :)
Great shot.
Thank you :)

I had also forgotten that this was taken on the GR iii and not my Leica Q.
f2.8, 1/400th, ISO 3200 and sharp as a tack ... the little Ricoh is no slouch! :)