The Middlesbrough Wheel.

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I was informed today that the Middlesbrough Eye was moving on tomorrow, so I had better try and take a few shots of it. When I arrived, it had just closed therefore I was unable to capture any movement. I did however find out that it does not leave until Sunday so I will have another go at it.

Please give me your opinions on the following photographs. Any critique is appreciated.(y)




There's an identical one in Liverpool at the Echo Arena which I plan to photograph soon. As there are a few docks about, there's lots of scope for reflection too.

Nice shots btw. I must admit I'm considering my compositions to limit the amount of street lighting there will be in the shots.
Thanks Ian. I walked around in circles trying to get an angle without the lighting but it is everywhere.
Nice use of foreground interest to add something more to the shot.

maybe try some in twilight to balance a little natural light against the artificial?
itd be good if u cud edit the lights outta the 3rd one, i like the 3rd one its diff :)
thanks for the heads up about it moving.

i like no 3 as it id different but i also like no 2. and knowing where it is nope you are never going to avoid the street lighting
Thanks for your comments guys.

Robert, I will be having another go at it but this time hopefully I will be there around sunset. I will remember your advice and post some results.

Terri, as above, myself and GrittyShaker are giving it a bash tomorrow if you would like to join us. Just send me a PM and I will give you the details.(y)