The Tracks

I like the image very much, but It's surely not the smartest place to shoot :)
Actually Alan,
The previous poster is correct and I was too busy looking at the picture than notice the obvious trespass issue.
The fact that it was composed at the side of the track makes no difference to trespass, unless its on an unmanned crossing you get across sometimes from 1 field to another?

However much a warning sounds, it's always a risk to life and limb ( and equipment of course) playing in the 4ft and I couldn't recommend it to anyone.
Trespass on the railway is also a criminal offence. Better get your defence in order if there is a BTP Officer looking in :)
Sorry if I come across as a TP Saint minnnt. Actually. Im a retired BTP Detective Inspector. I did 28 years with the Force and during that time attended about 45 seperate railway fatalities. Several of them were rail staff who were trained and authorised to be on the tracks. (Didnt stop them becoming victims). One of them was a young photographer who thought he knew what he was doing. I had the job, (after assisting the undertakers to remove the body)of informing the distraught parents.
If you ever have to do that you may realise why its not quite so clever to trespass on the railway and why I dont miss an opportunity to explain why you shouldnt do it.
Just saying.
He was. A crossing is there for the purpose of crossing the tracks. Any person who loiters (in this case to set up and take a photograph) is not using the crossing for the purpose it is there for and is trespassing. Your local Magistrate will confirm that. However, its not about that.....when on the railway setting up a shot you are not concentrating on your safety. Trains can work in either direction in some circumstances so the OP, while setting up his shot, was endangering himself unnecessarily.
The railway is not a safe environment, all rail staff and emergency services staff undergo specific training and authorisation to work in that environment. That is expensive and time consuming...its not done for nothing.
Im not trying to prove anything here, just giving the benefit of my experience and offering sensible advice.
Rail trepass is dangerous, more so when ones mind is on something else.
Maybe you could give your opinion on the shot aswell as his outrageous behaviour? After all, it is a photograpic forum, not a law and order one. Although I do appreciate your little lesson, it was very informative.

I agree re the birds. I would crop the image down to just below the birds, other than than theres not much to say about it. Moving on to minnnts last post, the application of a silly little smiley doesn't negate the sarcastic and immature nature of your comments but this is about Alan's image so time to move on.
Nice image but as has been said be careful when shooting to remember the hazards around us.
they look like Rooks, (Corvus frugilegus), to me ………. but not easy to tell - you need to get closer

frugilegus is Latin for food gatherer
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