Beginner The Woodshed

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So i haven't managed to get the camera out for a fair few weeks now due to work, rubbish weather etc.
So i gave myself a project to go and find something to photograph. Now i'm lucky enough to live and work on a country estate in the Shropshire countryside as a gardener. This should give me great access to many photographic oppotunities, but here's the thing, i see this stuff every day, it just doesn't seem to be anything special. When we have friends or visitors come over they all say what a great place to live (and they're right it is) with it lovely views, gardens, wildlife, buildings etc.
So i thought to myself i will pick an area of the estate and see what i can come up with.
I picked one of the old woodsheds and he are some of the photos i've come up with.

IMG_6988-12 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_7015-15 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_6984-11 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_6960-6 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_7094-24 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_7069-22 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_7062-23 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

IMG_7044-19 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
Hi Dominic. A nice set of images; I particularly like #4 for it's interesting content and #8 which I think makes a great abstract. Had a quick look at your set on Flickr and what I think would make an even better shot than these is a full-on of that derelict window in image IMG_7030-17. Just the twelve panes with the peeling painted surround - it would be a terrific pic IMO. :thinking:
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Thanks very much for the comments. I was trying to challenge myself to do something I don't normally do.
I'll see what I can do about the window.
They're all pretty good Dominic, especially the way you've used the light to highlight the textures in 5 and 8 particularly. 3 is good, but 4 is my favourite for the overall dark feel brightened up by the pale gloves and the shaft of light at the end wall/door. There's masses of detail in the photo as well, so plenty to keep the viewer looking rather than just passing by.
I converted these to black and white, the colour of the subjects are mainly shades of greys and black's with very little other colours.
It was actually something that pookeyhead said in a thread that inspired me to do this.
I feel so much more enthused after taking these and posting. I don't normally post photos, not really to sure why. Maybe a lack of confidence.
Thanks for the comments
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Gonna come back to theses tomorrow.

I live the idea of spending time in a small area investigation the possible photographic opportunities.

Of the set, so far, it's #4 for me...mainly for the gloves .

Had a quick look at your set on Flickr and what I think would make an even better shot than these is a full-on of that derelict window in image IMG_7030-17. Just the twelve panes with the peeling painted surround - it would be a terrific pic IMO. :thinking:
Just had time to take a pic of the window today before going out for the day.
IMG_7339-2 by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
I was trying to challenge myself to do something I don't normally do.

I know of no other way!
I like #2… too bad the contrast is blocking the blacks.