...They're Behind Me, Aren't They...

Just keep the image thumbnail size and it looks super sharp and in focus but this size is like arrggggghhhhh I need my glasses the screen has gone all blurry.
Just keep the image thumbnail size and it looks super sharp and in focus but this size is like arrggggghhhhh I need my glasses the screen has gone all blurry.

...not all the screen, there's about a centimeter behind indy where the grain on the desk is as sharp as a tack :LOL:
Very good, much prefer the newer one and liking the idea :)

Loving the new shot matey - nicely done :D

Cheers - second one was a little more involved - not exactly a "set build" job - all I did was google for a screenshot of Indy in a Temple, viewed it full screen, and put a sheet of black foamboard in front of the screen at the appropriate height to form a floor. Sprinkle in a few skellies and a handful of loose change and that was it really... Oh - and of course one of my trademark skulls lying around somewhere in frame. Couldn't resist one of the skellies actually "spotting the photographer" either...