Towards Man Utd

You've caught some lovely golden light Kev, not so keen on the part reflection or the area beneath the building, a crop of the top 40% of the images is more striking for me.
Thanks Mark. I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. Feedback always welcome.
Great colour in this Kev, you're in a no win situation, a crop as Mark has said would work though someone will come along then and say it would be better will more reflection.
This is the kind of image that shows that the time of day makes a lot of difference to how something looks...perfect timing
Thanks for commenting Martyn. I am ok with the no win situation. I have looked at this from the crop point of view, but my personal opinion is I am ok with the image displayed. I accept these things are often down to personal preference and that's fine with me. Timing was deliberate! But I was blessed with luck on how the sky changed as the sun got lower.