Trains late again! new photo added

William A Dobson
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I hope he/she is not looking the wrong way!!!

Nice Capture.

Lovely photo, hope it got away safely.
thanks jpd and yes alison the train came soon after the photo and it was already on its way, I get the feeling it was using Levisham station as a feeding place as it was looking under all the carriages where food was most likely being thrown out as they are used as homes for some of the temp railway staff.
Great capture, glad to here he got away safely.
thanks joe and purple, I was there waiting to take photos of a steam train and the fox just came ambling along with not a care in the world it seemed!
thanks joe and purple, I was there waiting to take photos of a steam train and the fox just came ambling along with not a care in the world it seemed!

we dont quite have steam trains but we can manage a fox or 2! :) he must know the timetable :p