
Very nice mate. Love the PP & crop. Is it possible to sort the perspective? The pillars are leaning back a fair bit. Might ruin the dramatic feel though :shrug:
Very nice mate. Love the PP & crop. Is it possible to sort the perspective? The pillars are leaning back a fair bit. Might ruin the dramatic feel though :shrug:

Cheers mate, taken with a 10 -20 so perspective is a bit off, did correct but it just lost loads of the impact:)
Definitely reminds me of alien sci-fi films, as said bags of atmosphere!
Awesome! I actually like the distortion of perspective. I would guess it would make it look more 'ordinary' if the pillars were parallel.

Very 'Close Encounters'!
I altered the perspective in CS5 and I feel the original shot has more going for it, I like the leaning pillars and as said "Very Close Encounters"

I love it :clap:

Les (y)
Thanks all, yeah Lez I had a play about with it originally it just looked better with the leaning posts:)