Upgrade to D610 from D7000 - is it worthwhile ?

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I'm a reasonably experienced photographer and have done a few weddings, events etc with my D7000's + fast primes however i feel obliged to 'upgrade' to full frame to be taken seriously.....don't know why but it seems to be the way.

Am i really going to notice a huge difference ?

If it was just buying a body then it'd be less of a consideration but i presume it's a pointless move without upgrading to lenses designed for full frame notably the glorious 70-200 f2.8

I started off on the lowly D40 and i swear i've never owned a camera since with such a reliable focusing system, it nailed everything and i simply dont see that on the D7000. Is the AF system likely to be better on the full frame D610 ?- appreciate the superior high ISO on the D610 but i need a bit more really to justify the investment.

Please tell me to keep my money in my pocket :)
AF system is basically the same although apparently 'upgraded' on the D610. The D610 is essentially the same camera with a better sensor.

I'm probably not the best person to ask but I own a D610 and am in the process of 'switching' to M4/3 kit. That is to say I will keep the D610 for certain jobs but I see the majority of my shooting being done with Olympus OMDs, including the few weddings I shoot.

Also, although the M4/3 are poor at continuous AF the easily beat DSLRs for single focus - better in the dark and much more accurate - which is great for weddings.

So, yes the D610 is better but upgrading because you feel obliged is a silly thing to do, especially if you are getting shots you're happy with on the D7000 and double especially if you don't have the glass already (always go glass first).

Actually, I currently see lots of pros switching to M4/3 and in particular Fuji for weddings - needing a monster camera to signify you're a pro is a view slowly being eroded - join the revolution!
AF system is basically the same although apparently 'upgraded' on the D610. The D610 is essentially the same camera with a better sensor.

I'm probably not the best person to ask but I own a D610 and am in the process of 'switching' to M4/3 kit. That is to say I will keep the D610 for certain jobs but I see the majority of my shooting being done with Olympus OMDs, including the few weddings I shoot.

Also, although the M4/3 are poor at continuous AF the easily beat DSLRs for single focus - better in the dark and much more accurate - which is great for weddings.

So, yes the D610 is better but upgrading because you feel obliged is a silly thing to do, especially if you are getting shots you're happy with on the D7000 and double especially if you don't have the glass already (always go glass first).

Actually, I currently see lots of pros switching to M4/3 and in particular Fuji for weddings - needing a monster camera to signify you're a pro is a view slowly being eroded - join the revolution!

Cheers Nawty - i was being a bit tongue in cheek saying i fell obliged but just want to try and take my images to the next level and full frame seemed the obvious step....but maybe not..
Cheers Nawty - i was being a bit tongue in cheek saying i fell obliged but just want to try and take my images to the next level and full frame seemed the obvious step....but maybe not..

I would keep the camera and learn about lighting technique and if you really want to spend some big money then get some glass.
Apart from the obvious better high ISO capabilities I can't see much (if any) gain with the D610.

Unless you really feel your camera is restricting you in some way I would keep your money in your pocket.
Don't forget if you like the spread of the focus points on the 7000 the 610's are all clustered in the middle. The 610 gets a bit of a bad rep for struggling with low light and AF where as the 750 is supposed to be completely different. I have no experience of these FF's though, it's only what I've read.
Another thing to bare in mind is if you like to shoot over 1/4000 of a second then you'll either need nd's or to stop down the aperture so it doesn't over expose. I found that limiting with my em10.
Why do you feel you need FF to be taken seriously Mike? Do many of your potential customers ask what camera you use and instantly run away?

If you have the money to spend on a D610 and a 70-200 2.8 then maybe the little extra (comparatively) for the D750 might be worthwhile. The AF is more advanced and my 70-200mm locks focus before I've even finished pressing the button it seems.
Concur with the replies here. The D610 (I have a D600 so I guess I can comment) offers stunning IQ but it won't help with your AF issues one bit. A D300 would but that might be seen as something of a backward step in IQ. A D700 is also worth considering and as Darren says, The D750 addresses the D610's AF Achilles heel.
The absolute key to me is a body i can rely on to nail focus every time or as near as possible in all lighting conditions, if the 610 can't it's not the camera for me.

Really don't want to be faffing arounf with AF fine tune as well if it can be avoided, works on primes but never has done effectively for me on zooms for obvious reasons.
The absolute key to me is a body i can rely on to nail focus every time or as near as possible in all lighting conditions, if the 610 can't it's not the camera for me.
Defo don't get a D610 then, I am going to cut mine in for a D750 in March or so for this very reason. And some other features I have on my D300s which aren't on the D610.
Cheers Stu - is the consensus the 750 is much improved for AF over the 610 ?
Cheers Stu - is the consensus the 750 is much improved for AF over the 610 ?
From what everyone has said on here, yes. It's got more AF points, a wider spread and will focus in lower light than the 610. I have to admit I haven't used a 750 yet but from what so many people on here have said, I have no reason to not believe it.
Cheers Stu - is the consensus the 750 is much improved for AF over the 610 ?

Pop into the D750 thread and ask, you'll drown in yeses :)

There are folk in there who've had both too. The AF seemed to be the weak link in the D610 comparatively. When I say weak link, it's not terrible, just the D750 is apparently faster and more accurate.
One of my best Wedding pals is a sucker for new kit having had the D700, D3s, D800, D600 and now the D750

He loved his D700 but 12mp concerned him a little but moreso the 1 card slot, hence he bought a D3s for 2 card slots but still 12mp. This concerned him a little so he bought the D800 for its 36mp. But this concerned him as the file sizes were crazy and worse still, he needed a much higher shutter speed to avoid showing camera shake that such high res was showing up; so he bought the D600 for its 24mp as a better compromise. He loved the added quality over the D3s in having far more pixels to crop into (he can't shoot straight for ****) so even after cropping he had plenty of pixels to play with; ISO is good too at 6400 so he was happy. Except that the D600 isn't good at focusing in low light, and this concerned him, so he bought the D750

He tells me that... the D750 has the 2 card slots he needs, its amazingly good at even 12,800 ISO, it focuses quickly even in low light, the dynamic range of its 24mp is also making him a happy boy - in short - he may FINALLY be happy :D

As I too use the D7000 I wouldn't jump to FX without buying the D750, and while I still may do that later this year I'm also taken with the smaller 4/3 kit too; chances are I'll continue with the D7000 for at least the rest of this year then and see how both FX and 4/3 pan out. I rarely need more than 1000 ISO anyway so without falling over a few thousand £s the D7000 is good enough for now, and FAR FAR better than my first Pro DSLR which I paid £3,500 !!! Once bitten & all

I used d7k then d610. Massive improvements due to 1) sensor 2) better AF 3) better high ISO performance. 4) better processor 5) more function buttons 6) Full frame format 7) less pixel density.

D610 is very affordable now if u get grey or second hand. But if you can stretch to d750 that eliminates all of d610's short comings such as limited spread of AF points.

Personally I don't have a problem with AF points on D610 as I always use centre point focus and recompose if need a to. So depend on your style of shooting and if you are shooting moving subjects.
I went from the D7000 to the D610 and I did not like it at all, the focussing on my D7000 was better. Thanks to good old Amazon, I fired the D610 back and got the D7100 body, really excellent autofocussing and overall, a big improvement on the D7000. I now have my Ricoh GR, Sony RX-100, and tmy D7100 with my painstakingly assembled bag of decent Nikon glass, this covers pretty much everything I want to do, at least until the Sony RX2 is released! ;-)