Urgent Help

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Found this wee guy on the lawn late last night - no sign of any other birds an - and he can't fly. Looks far from it.
Caught a fly and tried to feed him, but wouldn't eat.
Left him in towel in shed last night (which was quite warm) and expected the worst this morning.
Still with us and managed to pop a fly down his throat and dribble a few water drops too.
Have left in shed meantime.

WHAT IS NEXT STEP ? ... Back out on lawn or try to feed ?
Is there any hope of him surviving ?
What should I attempt to feed / water him ?

At first with tail shape, wren cam to mind, then starling or sparrow - thoughts ?

Here a couple of pix

SSPCA will help with wild orphaned birds. They took a young pigeon from a freinds garden a few Sundays ago.

03000 999 999
Cheers all
Felt he wouldn't had made it through the night if left out.
Wee guy percked up a bit and was chirping so decided to take him to Hassilhead Rescue Centre. Just back. The guy there said was sparrow and thought looked in fairly good condition. Popped him into recovery incubator and would give him something to eat / drink after he settles in. Thinks he's got a reasonable chance of making it.
Will give them a call on Friday.

Thanks for helping √