Usumbara peacock frog

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This is a tiny 1cm juvenile peacock frog, the greens will turn more of a golden brown as it reaches adulthood.
Somehow I managed to fall off my chair whilst taking these images, ending up on my bum holding my camera in one hand and flash in the other, both outstretched above me. At first I thought the equipment survived better than my behind:D, sadly I discovered part of the shoe broke on my ring flash, which I'm gutted about as I can afford to replace it in the near future and its something I use all the time. If I'm very careful it will work some of the time, but I cant hold it out at angles, like I used to, nor can I use it for portrait images as turning the camera stops it working too. Ive no idea if this is an easily fixable problem, as a third of the plastic shoe has broken off. But its going to have to wait as both our boiler and car have packed in this week too, so no heating and no transport. This is not a good start to the year. Ive even had to cancel my trip to Scotland with the TP crowd next week too , so I can divert that spending money to replace the boiler.:crying:
Not a happy bunny.

Great shots.................and sorry you can't join us in Scotland:crying: Another time maybe........
Great shots.................and sorry you can't join us in Scotland:crying: Another time maybe........

I do hope so, hopefully I can come along to meet you all on one of the south west meets, but I'm so disappointed not to go to Scotland and Skye. I used to go almost every year when I lived up north but now havent managed to go for around 6/7 years and words cannot express how much the place means to me - I want to live on the isle of Skye, its rugged terrain and bleakness is heaven to me. So you had best take some mega photos for me:) - zillions of them please. There is nothing I want more this year than to go to the western highlands and Skye.
Love the first one and sorry to hear 2010 has not started too well for you, look on the bright side it can only get better!
Love the first one and sorry to hear 2010 has not started too well for you, look on the bright side it can only get better!

lol, indeed, it got worse last night, a pipe started leaking with water dripping into our living room:crying:
lol, indeed, it got worse last night, a pipe started leaking with water dripping into our living room:crying:

oooPS sorry i hope i did not jinx that.
If it is any concelation our heating broke over last weekend when it was soo cold and we had to survive with a useless electric fan heater, needed a new boiler on Monday.
My car has just thrown up a warning light saying my Lambda sensor needs replacing, 2 weeks after having a new battery, new brakes and a exhaust and to top it all off i am looking to chnge back from Nikon to Canon if i can afford it.
Georgeous little frog, great work, and what a bummer about the bad luck!!! I Hope things get better for you soon (y)

oooPS sorry i hope i did not jinx that.
If it is any concelation our heating broke over last weekend when it was soo cold and we had to survive with a useless electric fan heater, needed a new boiler on Monday.
My car has just thrown up a warning light saying my Lambda sensor needs replacing, 2 weeks after having a new battery, new brakes and a exhaust and to top it all off i am looking to chnge back from Nikon to Canon if i can afford it.

Lol, its just life, things will get better eventually. But its annoying isnt it?

Funnily enough I fancy changing from Canon to Nikon, can I ask why you are changing back to Canon?