wait for FX or buy an intermediate step?

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Ive fallen off the photography wagon recently, a move to Derby from Madrid and starting uni has killed off any free time I had. However in a desperate attempt to retain what's left of my sanity and a genuine need to do something in my free time un medicine related Ive rekindled my love of photos. Ordered a metered prism for my bronica which is exciting but after using a mates D300 im quite tempted to punt for one myself. This would mean selling my 35mm and 85mm (which im going to sell anyway) as well as my s5 pro and leave me with a d300 and 50mm f1.4 which is fine BUT would I be better off just waiting and saving my pennies for the inevitable D700? I have used one briefly and i loved it, theres something special using it wide open with field of depth and bokeh but itll be a while until i can afford one and using the continuous high mode on D300 was very handy something my s5 really struggles with. So opinions on full frame in due course or a stepping stone until then.

(im really just killing time here, i cant face looking at beta oxidation :crying: )
Between my D300 and S5, if I had to choose to keep just one of them it would be the S5 Pro. Yes, it's slow to the point of irritation, but it just seems to produce much nicer colours straght out the camera than the D300.