What is this style of portrait called?... Dragan!

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Hi everyone. I'd like to be able to create this style of portrait but not really sure what it's called. I vaguely remember reading about "Vulkan" or "Vulcan" but can't find anything when I google it?

Would appreciate any ideas or tutorials?


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I was wondering if it was Dragan but tbh it don't really look too much like that has had dragan pp done to it, although the beard looks like it has the wrinkles don't and it's the wrinkles that really make the effect stand out.
The metacafe tutorial above is ok but is not really the best way to get the effect, if you look on youtube there is an excellent tutorial but it is in a foriegn language, but you can work through it by just viewing it and you can work out what is happening.
Of coarse thats assuming it is Dragan you are after.
Edit: link to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZyLBw6xDjs
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im not a fan of portrait or candid photography but when i do im going to adopt this style, its really really amazing to me. :)
it only really suits certain subjects,doesnt really suit women.

Dragan really only suits subjects with a a lot of facial features, however I have seen one shot of an elegant old woman that was just superb (unfortunately I can't find it), you can however take parts of the process to give a female shot a nice effect, and instead of pulling the colour to yellow try pulling it to blue.
i think it could work like scraggs said... just work the pp to give it less of a harsh feel
I really love this style, I've already worked my way through a tutorial and had a go. Can tell it was my first try... but the idea was there :D Thank you for this thread :)
That's what I'm trying to work out. Seems like there are PS techniques to achieve this "look" but if this can be done with a filter please let me know which kind?


On the most part its just a very sharp photo with great light. By the looks of it, its had some form of high pass sharpening and clarity used. (IE the tool in corel called clarify which changes the local image contrast aswell as the shadows & highlights.) Apart from that its been converted to B&W and had a colour cast applied.
I really like this example of before and after taken from the tutorial above on dpreview (the tutorial also shows the intermediate steps) really shows what can be done with what starts off as a plain looking photo.

