Who could live in a house like this???

Me ... of yes please!
I do; but then, I'm a camel herder, desert dweller! :p
Recognised it straight away, we went last year, for me the image is to high key, and lacking tone,all samish, I did try an edit but couldnt get what I mean
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if you raised your kids in such environment I bet they would become quite thick :D

Not sure I understand that but hey ho

:D its on military land and used as a shooting area for guns, tanks, helicopter attack training, its open to the public for a few hours, when we were there we watched the activity, after we left, quite good but didnt have my long lens to capture it
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A bit of paint and it would be sorted, id love to live there out of the way and all alone! :D

Great find!

:D :LOL::LOL: apart from the gun battles, sea landings, helicopters, :LOL::LOL::LOL:

theres a few hours you can vist this place rest are :- enter at your own risk :LOL: if you dare, only kidding, its closed no civilians access
looks an interesting place, but as dave has already said, the photo is to high key, and is lacking in contrast