.:Wollaton hall:. edit added

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What are everyones thoughts on this, do you like or dislike? all comments welcome good or bad.


does this work better for people?

thanks for looking,

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Some would say to alter the vertical perspective by -30 but i like both ways

I'd probably tone down the highlights in the sky a little
Has a crisp wintery feel to it. I need to get down there myself one weekend. Only live 10minutes away
Nice man, you did better than I did! Had a corporate job there a few weeks ago - my god it's a dark hole inside! metering at 1/30th, iso 1600 @f1.4... painful.

I was in a real rush so didn't have time to go round the back for the establishing shots :( The fron't not as nice. nice park though, loads of deer :D

I really like the crisp processing, nice gradients in the sky (y) I'd probably have got handy and moved the benches around the fountain to be symmetrical </OCD> :p
Nice shot,

Only ever been there when my son was running the UK inter counties cross country races,
never took a single shot of the house.
I like how the muted colours make it look 'antiqued' if you know what I mean :)
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haha hadnt noticed the benches there going to bug me now, its hdr btw i forgot to mention in the original post.

Creepy looking place and the processing emphasizes this. I like it.
Not usually a fan of HDR but it works well and i like the image. I dont live far from there either so i think i need to get down there.
soaring verticals can be adjusted..i cant do it with my collection of freebies
but i like it a lot...
your shot has a timeless ghost like feel which puts it well into the interesting architecture category
the sky is ok for me
ps good tone mapping
I prefer the corrected version, but it looks a bit over-corrected to me, as if the verticals have gone over the other way.
I prefer the corrected version could you explain how you have achieved this I have taken similiar photo's that I have just binned.
please...how did you get the soaring verts to upright
Symmetry has to be symmetrical - the architect would be appalled by your shot as it doesn't reflect the symmetry he built

Here's a fun guideline that I heard many years ago and pass on whenever I can...

If the subject to be shot is symmetrical it MUST be symmetrically shot unless you shoot it so far off the line of symmetry its obviously not meant to be symmetrical

So close to symmetry is crap, whereas miles off is okay

Your shot is close and hence is crap as its not 'right' - the lead in lines and fountain (is it?) give this away

However, if the building itself isn't symmetrical with the fountain and road in, then its the architect's fault for being crap, but you still shooting it as a symmetrical building is still wrong as everyone will assume it IS right and YOU are wong


i think its a great shot. I was there a week ago and it was swarming with people & sledges, so tricky to get a clean shot of the hall. Its a shame the path doesnt match up for the lead in to the photo, but nevertheless, its a great shot of a lovely building, and its made me think i need to learn how to do this hdr stuff, because it looks great in this example
After reading 'DiddyDave' I can see where he is coming from. However with my untrained eye I felt that I liked the 2nd shot(corrected) I guess because it portrays the building as we would assume it to be. 90' angles etc., and so feels right. However, as we assume that to be the case, then when viewing the first shot, it's as though the image sides are not true and the building is...as who would build anything with such angles so the crop would be askew.... visually. Whether you could compensate for the slight asymmetric aspect of the second shot, by a different crop, possibly. That aside, I feel you have captured a magnificient building well.
As I say, a novice opinion.
i see your point diddy dave, without revisiting the hall i couldn't tell you weither it was me that didnt line up correctly or the path not being spot on.


p.s to fix the building i used photoshop lens correction filter and its in there