Womens Soccer. Night match


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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England v Spain. Sunday 25th Nov 07 (Last night) 6pm KO .. Very good lighting at this new stadium (Shrewsbury town fc) so iso 1600 and shutter speed of 500 +f3.2 - f3.5. A little noise reduction when converting from raw then dust scratches in ps2 to clean up and a smart sharpen.

It was a treat as normal womens football is poorly lit obscure non league grounds forcing iso 3200 and shutter down to 200 :)

Canon 1dmkII + Sigma 120-300. EXIF in place :)




love the colour, timing and framing, excellent (y)

ps :welcome: to talk photography :wave:
some lovely shots there. #2 is a definite candidate for caption competition, the england girl has a Oops, don't think I should be grabbing that shocked look on her face!
great pictures, did you get any of them swapping shirts after the game. :naughty::LOL:
Nice shots Kipax

Nice to see you here..............p**n closed? ha ha
Normally lurk but thought I'd comment............

Great timing on #3 and thats a very "nice" hand off....... Shirt pull on Ms Smith is a good editorial shot due to her "star" status.
Good insight to your PP aswell, thanks for posting that.

Great shots, really like these :D(y)

(and welcome)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'm strangely aroused:nuts:

All good but I love the diving header one(y)
Stunning shots. The action is splendidly shot and about sharp as it gets (y)
Thanks.. Unitt didn't play.. but I got a pic of her anyway for when I process the whole collection :)

Thanks for the comments :)
As someone who struggles to take decent shots with a digital for the Shropshire County Women's League, and as the person who ended up not going to the msot amazing game to hit Shropshire ever.............I was really pleased to see these photosgraphs and they are amazing.

I can vouch that Ladies night games - esp in The New Bucks Head are very hard to take, so these at Shrewsbury are amazing.

Fantastic - makes me wish I was a 'real' photographer!!!

If you are ever free and around Shropshire for sunday afternoon shots let me know!
Hi Jaycee.. I only venture out of my comfort zone (lancashire) for England games on a Sunday... Womens night games as you know are usually in dimly lit non league grounds.. if your doing womens pics you should ahve gone to that one for sure :) I do about 50 womens games a season.... you ?

New bucks head.. is that telford? I have photographed there a few times... Once when you where struggling for funds and had the dream team there :) Lots of mascots as well. was invited by the mad telford mascot :)