Would you add steam?


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And if so, where? :thinking:
I think it would depend on how realistic you could get the steam to look. There is a danger that it'd look inauthentic with random steam and I suppose that there are people around who would see that the steam was in the wrong place and it could end up spoiling an other wise perfectly good record shot.

So in other words - I don't know!
This isn't Shenton is it?
Hmmm adding steam from the off, I'm not sure. Only because I'm not sure I'd be able to pull it off.

Emphasising and building on some steam alreay there? Definitely.
Nope i would just mess up what is a good shot.
It's Erlestoke Manor, photographed at Severn Valley Railway, Bewdley

Ah Bewdley. And no I wouldn't add steam unless you have some great method to make it look realistic ;)
No :shake: I think the shot is excellent as it is :)
Leave it, not enough room at the top of the image.
I wouldn't, but then, I wouldn't know how to.
I'd be interested in seeing a doctored one, if you think you can pull it off.
I dont think I would add steam as I think it would be very hard to get looking real. In fact that thought made me have a go :p and I think I proved my point! lol


Doing little amounts looked very bad as it just looked either light a flare or some random dodging gone wrong, so I went a bit OTT :p
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Yes, Like the smoke out of chimney, not by the wheels though.
Cheers Jimmy (y)

PS: Thanks all for the input :)
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