Your thoughts on this

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A shot from bemsee in the classic racing, decided to try a B&W conversion. Your thoughts on it please.

I think b&w works very well on this, suits the era of the bike.
Heres the colour version

Which one do you people think looks the better colour or b&w?
B+W often benefits from a contrast boost
B+W works for me and I often use it on period shots like this
HOWEVER there is one thing that really pees me off and that is the modern helmets
I know safety must come first but I have some shots where period style helmets are worn and that really does make for a great shot then
Works for me. B&W can be a bit marmite in motorsport, but persobally I'm a fan of a good mono conversion - which this is.
Absolutely the colour version for me!

It's a good mono conversion [of a shot that's attractive in colour anyway], but as a rule I hate them and the stripy Arai and silencer spoil any 'olde worlde' authenticity
B&W for me
B&W for me too , really like this . God knows how the rider's seeing where he's going ,unless he has a hole in the top of his helmet :D
Not trying to be rude, but a lot of people try B&W to try and enhance something thats not too clever to start with... and thats about the worst excuse ever for B&W.

Other than trying to be "retro", the only other use for B&W in my book is when you have textures (that cause shadows, so naturally leaning to light and dark) and the shot is *about* texture.

So, I don't think the shot was all that to start dead centre frame, a little bit soft, nothing really going on, not terribly interesting background and a mix of old and modern.... and B&W didn't make it any better for all of the reasons above...
